And the real fun begins...
After my short and sweet stay in the French Quarter, I took up residence with the good folks at Best Friends Animal Society at the Celebration Station in Metairie, Louisiana. This was a small miniature golf type place that was pretty run down and destroyed so Best Friends was able to move their operations there.

Upon my arrival I went to the "Command Center" behind the search/reunion desk. The trappers met at the back orange wall. To the right were the desks where adoptions were finalized (YAY!). Behind them were the desks for the data information and the volunteer coordination. To the left of the orange wall was the entrance to the kitchen, the laundry area (YAY!) to the right and the puppy room beyond... the little nursery full of cuddlies to love up on. I went to the volunteer coordination desk and met Cari to fill out all the necessary paperwork and waivers to begin my journey.
Cari was the volunteer coordinator that gave me my orientation and the rundown of the operations there. She was such a wonderful lady that went down there for MONTHS and brought her dog Chumley with her (pictured on the left). While she was there she adopted Sophie, the exceptionally wiggly pup on the right. She later adopted Whisperer Al (I'll get to his sad story later). Cari convinced me to postpone my return flight and stay longer. I fell in love with Best Friends and it's been my dream ever since to get to the sanctuary in Kanab, Utah.
So after my initial orientation I was sent off to the intake area for the dogs. This is the area that the dogs were brought in to be assessed for health and behavior then logged into the system. The cages needed to be cleaned out and the bebes needed to be fed and watered.
My first rescue that I encountered was Trixie. She was a wee tiny thing just a couple months old if that... and she was a paraplegic. I don't think she knew that, though! She was FIERCE!!! She wouldn't let anything stop her from working to get her food and water and squirm over to the front of her cage for a little lovin'. She had such a wonderful temperament. I was able to give her the physical therapy rubs and stretches she needed to prevent her limbs from atrophying. I never knew what happened to her, but I'm hoping she was adopted, of course. She was such a snuggle bug!
After working in the intake area I was taken out to the back of the main building where I was to assist with building the Igloos for the dogs in the kennels outside. At that time of year it was getting to be very cold and rainy. We were always changing out the bedding and the straw trying to keep the dogs warm and comfortable through the nights. While working in the crate yard I met the nicest young man (yeah, makes me sound so old), Justin, who was a college student volunteering as well. This picture shows a mere fraction of what we put together in two days. Justin was such a nice, quiet guy. At the time, he was going to school and had two jobs to help support his mom and siblings that really lost a lot.
Journal Entry:
02/08/06: Well, today is my first day "on the job". I was registered with ARNO, but since they moved from Celebration Station, I tried to find their new place. I finally found it in Jefferson Parish, but no one was there and they didn't have a sign as to when they'd be back. So, once again, I got back in the car and drove to Celebration Station. I left at 6:45 AM and was finally there at 7:45 AM. I sadly had to wait until 9:00 AM to be let in.
Well, after my short tour, I was sent to the intake room where all the newly trapped dogs start out. I cleaned the cages, walked a deaf and partially blind poodle... a very difficult task. Then I got to sit and hold Trixie, the paraplegic puppy. What a treat for my first day!!
I got to meet Red, the paralyzed Pit Bull that was hit by a car just after the hurricane. They gave him surgery and he was given a wheelchair to run around with. Sweet, sweet boy!
Then it was out to clean all the dirty dog/cat carriers and then off to assemble the new carriers and igloos. After THAT, it was off to the cat room to feed/water, change litter boxes, put the clean laundry away and then home at the end of the loooonnngggg day. Nine and a half hours later I was saying good-bye to some really awesome people.
Justin helped me with all the carriers outside. Deb helped with the carriers and the cat room duties. Gillian helped me with the cat room. Gillian... hmmmm, Gillian. So, so sweet and quiet, but she suffered with self-mutilation during a former time in her life. Cari, the volunteer coordinator, was everywhere and all around. She's a crack up!
Back tomorrow bright and early to begin a new day. Gotta go see Trixie and Red for sure!
To be continued...
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