I felt I NEEDED to do something for the people that were forced to be evacuated from their homes leaving behind all their belongings and their beloved pets. At first we didn't hear of all the pets that were FORCED to be left behind in the attics or tethered to trees outside... fearing for the worst and missing their humans so badly.
At first I was scanning the internet for any information about Katrina herself, the path she was taking and the destruction she had left behind. I saw countless numbers of people being separated from their families, just going off in so many different directions.
THEN, as the days and weeks and months wore on, more and more information was coming out of that area about the pets that were left behind, being picked up and taken to any shelter they could as well as any rescue group available with the room to take them. I kept my eye on one in particular called Lamar-Dixon. They were taking in all walks of four-leggeds, slitherers, feathereds and fluffies. But, they too, were getting full and it just seemed never ending.
The Stealth Volunteers then shifted gears a bit and added another "branch" to their outstretched tree to help people find their pets that they were so sadly forced to leave. That's where my former days as a rescuer kicked in and really fueled my desire to help. THIS was my calling. I truly felt that the people were okay and would be okay because they had a voice. They were being helped... being fed, clothed, housed. The pets were the ones that were being forced into small cages and kennels frantically looking out for any familiar face to take them back to the comfort of their home. That wasn't happening quickly enough and they needed more and more people to do it. They didn't have a voice and I wanted to be one of the ones that voiced for them.
So, for about six months I worked tirelessly at night looking through PetFinder.com,
MelissaData and various lost pet blogs and databases along with the Stealth Volunteer files and endless notes just to match up anything I could. I had quite a few successes in adding to the whereabouts of some and since we worked as a Goliath Group of hundreds, there were plenty of eyes and information going around for many successful reunions. I formed bonds with total strangers hundreds of miles away working together towards the same goal. It was amazing!!! Talk about Social Networking BEFORE the phrase was even thunk up!!
I worked with many rescue groups that were on the ground and in the middle of it all. THEY were the ones I was envious of. They were doing what I really wanted to do. I wanted to get in and get dirty and really do something tangible, physical. What I was doing was so very good, but I wanted to do more.
I formed some pretty constant contact with one of the other Stealthers, Penny. We both had the same feelings of wanting to go there and do MORE!! I felt I couldn't go... I had a full-time job, a husband, and a two year old at home. I couldn't up and leave to go somewhere BY MYSELF, not knowing ANYONE or where I would really be staying. My wheels started to turn and the gears started catching…
I was goin' to NAWLINS and git me some o' dat rescue work done!!
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